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Explanation of the principle of operation of microcontrollers, specifically Arduino. Video materials on basic and advanced projects - a step into the world of embedded systems.

Arduino microcontroller

Principle of operation of analog pins of Arudino Uno

The aim of this project is to get acquainted with the way of using the potentiometer, the operation of analog inputs and reading the values from the sensors (in this case the role of the sensor is played by the potentiometer). A theoretical explanation is given at the beginning of the video. In the following, we will see what it looks like when we read the voltage that we control with a potentiometer from the analog input of the Arduino, and how we use that voltage value to control the light intensity of the LED.

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Arduino microcontroller

The concept and application of "pull up" and "pull down" resistors

When using a microcontroller, when the pin we use as an input is not set to "HIGH" or "LOW" state, but its state "floats" between these two values, we say that it is in a state of high impedance. This is a condition that we definitely want to avoid because it leads to irregularities (unpredictability) in work and that is why we introduce a concept like"pull-up"and"pull-down"resistors. These are not special types of resistors, but resistors that allow us to maintain the desired state of the logic circuit regardless of the conditions. Arduino pin is connected via this resistor to a constant value, either to the + 5V power supply or to the GND (ground). In the first case it is a "pull-up", while in the second we are talking about a "pull-down" resistor.

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Arduino microcontroller

Night light - Arduino project

Time flows, and as it flows, I managed to force myself to make this video tutorial for ArduinoThis time the theme is a circuit that turns the night light on or off based on the brightness of the room. This is a nice thing, especially when there are small children in the house, so it is necessary for the light to be turned on at all times. Of course, there is also a modification of this circuit, so that it can be used for, say, street lighting. The positive aspects of such a project can be easily seen and enumerated.

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Arduino microcontroller

Hello (Arduino) world - flashing LED

Some time ago, I started to discover a new area in programming and electronics, it's about the Internet of Things, a little more precisely about microprocessors and microcontrollers. As I announced in the first text on the blogone of my target areas is Arduino and it's time for the first post! This text is different from the others, this time in addition to the text, video material for the first project is included, something like "Hello world!" - flashing LED. I follow trends a bit, or at least try, but I definitely enjoy doing this!

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