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JavaScript туторијали и пројекти – објашњења, процес израде и планирање, размишљања о идејама и наравно њихова реализација


Udemy JavaScript certificate

After a lot of time, I managed to listen and do the final project on one of (in my opinion) the best JavaScript courses on the Udemyplatform. This is the course "The complite JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Hero" by Jonas Schmedtmann (I hope I translated his name well). I might not have written about the certificate itself and this particular lecturer, but my enthusiasm for his approach to the course, how it was designed, what it encompasses, as well as the way he explains, certainly influenced the decision to write this text. The very fact that the course contains less than 70 hours of video material speaks of its substantiality.

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JavaScript, PHP

Forgotten password reset functionality

For all existing web services that require user profiles, one of the unavoidable functionalities is the reset of the forgotten password. Thus, Chat App - Web Application must also provide this option for users who have forgoten their password. Another reason why this option is needed is definitely security. Somewhere it is recommendation, and somewhere is an obligation to periodically change passwords precisely in order to maintain the level of security of both the account and the application itself, ie in the general sense of the system we use.

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Computer network

Chat App - Web Application

Looking for ideas for exercise and entertainment, I came across an interesting, seemingly simple application based on technology/ies – PHP, MySQL, JavaSrcipt, Ajaxand it's about chat web app🙂. There is a three-hour video clip that leads through the creation of the application, of course the text variant is also available, and most importantly the complete code. I would like to thank Coding Nepal for the work, effort and idea!

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JavaScript, PHP

JavaSrcipt - Smooth scrolling tutorial

The previous post for most of you belongs to the "news from the margin" domain, for me it is one of the possibilities that works very well. But now I will deal with another tangible topic, and it is related to JavaScript. As I mentioned, JavaScript is a new area for me, but it occupied almost all of my attention in a short time. Wanting to become a better programmer, and as I walk the path of a Web developer, I realized that knowing Frontendand Backend Backendwas essential

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