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Arduino Project: RGB Traffic Light Simulation

Узбудљив пројекат који симулира рад семафора користећи РГБ диоду користећи PWM сигнала и analogWrite функције за контролу светла на дигиталним пиновима.

Dual Vision: DIY dual monitor laptop project

Моји утисци о пројекту за израду додатног монитора за лаптоп од старог. Упутство са утисцима и пратећа галерија су део приче

Fedora logo

Minimal installation of the KDE Plasma Fedora vol 2

I have been using Fedora Linux for some time now. I switched from Arch Linux in search of some more "peaceful" distribution. However, I've been using Arch for too long to accept the KDE spin of Fedora that comes with a bunch of bloatware by default. I searched and of course found a tutorial for a minimal installation of the KDE Plasma environment on Fedora. I wrote about it almost a year ago, and now a new version is coming!

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Step-by-step guide: Installing ArchLinux with the Archinstall script

Instructions for installing ArchLinux using the installation script ArchFi (and then ArchDi) is the first in a series of texts dedicated to the comparison of different ways of installing the ArchLinux distribution. This text is also an installation guide, but using the officially supported script - Archinstall. I will refrain from giving too many impressions, that remains for the third and last text in this area. I'll just say that it's a much simpler way to install ArchLinux and a minimal desktop environment offered from the list.

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Instructions for installing ArchLinux using the installation script ArchFi

It's been a while since my last ArchLinux installation guide article that covered the classic installation method (reading the documentation and typing command by command until you get to a working system). The following is a new one that will describe how to install this popular Linux distribution, using the Archfi installation script, I mentioned earlier. This text will be part of a trilogy that will consist of: Archfi script, Archinstal script and finally their comparison. Somehow, it just happened that a few days ago, a new version of the Archfi script was released after less than a year and a half, so let's see how it all works (and it works :) ).

Read More »Instructions for installing ArchLinux using the installation script ArchFi
Arduino microcontroller

Principle of operation of analog pins of Arudino Uno

The aim of this project is to get acquainted with the way of using the potentiometer, the operation of analog inputs and reading the values from the sensors (in this case the role of the sensor is played by the potentiometer). A theoretical explanation is given at the beginning of the video. In the following, we will see what it looks like when we read the voltage that we control with a potentiometer from the analog input of the Arduino, and how we use that voltage value to control the light intensity of the LED.

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Arch linux

How to install ArchLinux in 50 steps

The migration from the old to the new computer took me a long time, but it also enabled me to write this text. I need a reminder when an accident happens, and it can help someone. When you read "50" steps, it may scare someone, but if you know how to work in the console, there will be no problems. This way of installation can be fun, not to mention that "I am God!" moment and of course bragging in front of a clumsy neighbors that doesn't even know what Linux is, not to mention the console and all commands you type. They'll just think you invented the Matrix. This brings with it some bad things, they will ask you to fix their computer. When I say this it means that they will call you for every little thing. The warning is there, the good sides as well, so let me start with the list.

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